The indoor house plant trend or Urban jungle as some will call it continues to make homes and balconies look incredible just take a look on Instagram #urbanjungle some of the images are stunning. More and more people are now aware of the benefits of indoor house plants for both the mind and health benefits.
House plants health benefits can include improved air quality, reduced stress levels, an improved mood and many more benefits are associated for both the mind and physically.
House plants are not the only way to help you improve your health, why not take your green fingers further a field? You could look at starting to grow your own produce in on your balcony garden, allotment, small garden and large garden if you're luck enough to have one. There is something very satisfying about planting a seed or a small plant and seeing the produce at the end.
Seedlings can be started inside using a heated propagator you can then transplant these once these have developed. We would recommend you follow the seed packets instructions. Once the seedlings have developed, if you have limited space Urban Grow can offer a number of small greenhouses perfect to keep your stylish home stylish.
Keep your green fingers green and take your Urban Jungle outside as well as inside.