March Garden Tips | Sowing Tomatoes

March Garden Tips

When it comes to March all we think about is sowing Tomatoes! We leave things a little later in March due to the cold weather in the North leading into April when we typically start to plant tomatoes outdoors. 

March for us is all about Tomato Sowing Indoors with the use of a heated propagator.

Firstly sow the seeds in a heated propagator, refer to the back of the seed packet for sowing advice.

Once the seedlings have appeared ( yes this is an exciting time) this is the time to plant on -  in there own individual pots.

Remember to keep these pots inside until April when the weather is a little warmer to start moving the Tomato plants outdoors. 

 Refer to our blog in 2020 for further advice sowing Tomatoes from seed.  



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