How To Keep A Water Feature Water Clean

How To Keep A Water Feature Water Clean

How To Keep A Water Feature Water Clean

While some people find the maintenance of an elegant decoration for their homes manageable, others want something that is simple, clean and relatively low maintenance. But no matter what you choose, all outdoor decorations such as a water feature will require some form of maintenance at one point in the near future. The climate of the outdoors provides the perfect conditions for weathering and algae which will need treating. If you have a water feature this means preventing it from turning into a murky swamp, smelling slightly stagnant in the wind – of which can be quite nauseating!

So, how do you keep water clear for a water feature?

Algae is the bane of garden fountains everywhere. Not only does it look quite ugly, but if you have an algae problem your best friend can be white vinegar! This strong natural chemical will quickly diminish any algae without harming birds or insects in any way.

What can I do to my fountain to keep the water clean?

To keep your fountain clear, you need to remove the algae. This can be achieved within just a few simple steps, however there are other methods depending upon the depth of the water contained within your feature. Whether you have a garden water bowl, pond or a corten steel water feature, you can follow our guides to cleaning them. 

Follow out step-by-step cleaning guide:


  1. First, make sure you turn off and unplug your water feature. Once that’s done, drain all the water out of the feature. If it's easy to take off the pump then do so right away!
  2. The best way to avoid damaging your water feature pump is by following the manufacturer's instructions and using a small brush to clean it, whilst rinsing ti with water. Opening it up carefully will also help prevent any damage from occurring that could result in costly repairs or replacement!
  3. Start by mixing 1 part vinegar to 1 part water in a spray bottle and apply this carefully on top of wherever you see green algae around the feature. Be sure not use near flowers/planting areas as they may suffer some damage. Then apply 100% white wine vinegar and scrub anything needed, then wash down everything with a hose before turning the water fountain back on.


Clean The filter – You can clean your fountain as often as you like, but if a pump filter isn’t kept clean it will quickly lead to major problems. Make sure that all of the parts are cleaned thoroughly to keep that harmful bacteria at bay! You should be able to clean and replace your filter without any difficulty. If you're not sure how, we recommend checking with the manufacturer or replacing it altogether!

Change The Water Monthly - Ensure that you are replacing your fountain water at least once per month. We also advise using distilled drinking instead of regular tap, as it could already be contaminated before making its way into the fountain! If you want even more longevity for this beautiful outdoor furniture consider an annual deep-clean at spring time after winter has passed.

How do I keep my outdoor water feature from going green and become algae free?

Algae is a natural component of many fountains. However, there are some factors that contribute to its growth such as water quality and light exposure. The presence or absence of these two elements will determine whether you have an algae problem in your fountain - if they're present then it'll likely be difficult for the plant-like creatures living on top.

Shaded Water Feature To Reduce Algae | Cleaning Water Features

Shaded Corten Steel Water Bowl by The Pot Company

Keep It Out of The Sunlight - The type of water feature you choose will affect how much algae grows. If it is in direct sunlight for instance, then placing your fountain anywhere other than under a tree may help keep up appearances by reducing underwater weed growth due to increased lighting on these plants which encourage more nutrients available at their roots leading them towards thrives even when they're not getting enough sun themselves!

To maintain a healthy fountain, you should place it in shaded areas or turn off its light if there is one. The prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause algae growth which will reduce water clarity and quality over time, so make sure your beautiful features have a spot to rest from the sun.


What kills the algae naturally without using bleach?

Add floating plants, such as lilies and lotus to your feature for shade that will reduce direct sunlight. submerged plant life is important because it releases oxygen into the water while also keeping algae at bay! Try adding anacharis, hornwort or parrot’s feather - one bunch per two square feet should do nicely though they need some space so make sure you measure before adding them in place underwater. Ensure you protect the water filter so that none of the plantation enters into the filter, to prevent it clogging and breaking.

Water Plants Added To Feature To Reduce Algae | Keeping Water Feature Clean

Award Winning Steel Water Feature By Water Gems

How to Keep Foam Out of a Water Fountain 

Foaming is a common problem with water fountains. If you see foam floating on top of your fountain, there may be some kind organic material inside the basin that's causing it to spirt out as if from an outlet at sea level! Luckily for us homeowners who love our beautiful landscaping displays but don't want them constantly covered in unattractive gunk all year round-this task only takes about five minutes to do. All you do is repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 above!

Will my water feature freeze?

When water freezes, it expands and this can cause damage to an outside feature. Pipes may burst or motors break down; pumps could also fail due the excessive strain placed on them during winter months when they're used by icicles hanging from plants blocking their flow of cold air into your house (and then you'd have no way heat!). Concrete cracks while paving becomes loose enough that items begin falling outwards away from its supporting structure - not good!

To protect your outdoor water feature from freezing weather, be sure to totally drain it and prepare the features for cold-weather conditions. 

If it’s only going to be below freezing for a day or two, there's likely that Ground will stay warm enough so as not freeze the water in your fixture. If you leave the feature running then its less likely to freeze over, due to the movement keeping it from freezing.


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